Monday, 23 January 2012

January's contribution

So here is my January beading piece. I feel a little embarrased, there are just so many amazing pieces that have been added on peoples sites. The photo does not really do justice to the colours in the background fabric, it is much prettier in the 'flesh' My problem was, that I wanted to sew on lots of nice beads, but I didn't want to cover the fabric too much. I am not too unhappy with it as a first instalment. The design includes family, new beginnings and changes for the new year.


  1. This is such a pretty piece with your beautiful background fabric. I don't blame you for not wanting to cover it up. Your beads are equally as pretty and I love the symbolism!

  2. Yes! The journaling is in the symbolism. Are you looking forward to the coming changes? You must be because its a pretty piece and the fabric you chose is very colorful.

    Its a great first piece.

  3. I see your family!! That is so cute to include them like that :-)

  4. No need to feel embarrassed as you piece is quite pretty. I agree, the fabric is beautiful but your beading only emphasizes that, it doesn't cover it up.

    Carol H.

  5. As the others have said. The fabric is lovely and the beading tells a story that you intended. No reason to feel embarrassed!

  6. Definitely pleasing!!! Nice design quality and I agree about not covering that beautiful fabric with beads. As it is, they seem to compliment each other very well!

  7. The background colours are lovely - they set the beads off very nicely. I also like the idea of the continuous gold line which I think you said you were going to run through all your pieces. I feel sure I tried to post this comment before, but must have wiped it by mistake!
